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Heavy Duty Rocar style Buckets, Food Grade, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green or...
Westmark Duetto Tongs, Buy 5 or more and save!
Chip/Potato Bins with Bung,Heavy Duty, in White/ Yellow. 5 Gallon/ 10...
Stainless Steel Pail/Bucket 10 litres with Footer. Optional cover also available for this item.
Heavy Duty Rocar style Buckets, Food Grade, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green or White
Westmark Duetto Tongs, Buy 5 or more and save!
Chip/Potato Bins with Bung,Heavy Duty, in White/ Yellow. 5 Gallon/ 10 Gallon/ 15 Gallon/ 20 Gallon/ 25 Gallon/ 35 Gallon.Other sizes are available, please ring or email us with your required size. Please note, there is an additional delivery charge on these items, due to the size. You can arrange your own collection and delivery charge will be...
Bungs 85p each Dry White Box of 8, £59.99 Square Skimmers From £29.99
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We at Fryersmate have over fifty years experience between us in the fast food and restaurant trade.